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  • Providing participants with necessary, thorough knowledge in warehouse design and warehouse solutions.


  • Director, manager and employee working in logistics co., ICD, … and all other participants being in need of knowledge development in related field.

Course content:

Module Content
Module 1 : Contract Logistics overview Contract Logistics overview: Definition and services
Retail industry : Business models, database requirement, operation, storage system design and operation, cost/price, and case study
FMCG industry : Business models, database requirement, operation, storage system design and operation, cost/price, and case study
Technology industry : Business models, database requirement, operation, storage system design and operation, cost/price, and case study
Automotive industry : Business models, database requirement, operation, storage system design and operation, cost/price, and case study
Module 2 : Contract Logistics Questions making method : Necessary questions, customers demand determination
Warehouse design : Storage system, material handling equipments (MHE), Security – Safety – Heath safety in warehouse (HSE), installation, and warehouse layout.
Warehouse HR solution: warehouse procedures, standard HR models, standard warehouse arrangement according to warehouse scope, case study.
Warehouse cost solution : Cost break down, basic price model, project budget estimation, case study.
Price estimation method: common quotation method, pros and cons of each method, opting proper price estimation method, case study.
Transportation solution: transportation model, elements impacting transportation cost, decision on modes of transport, tranportation planning and observation tools, safety management, case study.
Solution design tasks: 1 task in retail industry, 1 task in FMCG industry, 1 task in technology industry

Duration: 83 hours


  • Experienced Vietnamese teachers and foreign teachers working in related field.

Course materials:

  • Tan Cang-STC will provide participants with learning materials in the first day of this course.


  • After accomplishing this course, participants will be provided with national certification issued by Tan Cang-STC if the participants have attended at least 80% of the total duration.

Besides, Tan Cang-STC also provide courses in order with:

  • Appropriate course content (according to participants’ experience and knowledge)
  • Appropriate learning time

For further information please visit our website www.tancang-stc.vn, www.facebook.com/tancang.stc or contact us directly:

Thank you very much for your interest,